Create a short story with no dialogue or narration, using only sound effects and music.

The goal here is to express a story about our course theme of This Digital Life or about our current topic of Games and Gaming. Your story should include 5-10 different sounds, and at least one used as a “background” sound to create a setting. Include at least one sound that you create and record into Audacity. Use layering of sounds to create a fuller experience.

Using Audacity

A few more suggested tools for audio editing include:

  • SoundCloud Create an account at to upload and host your audio- think of it as a YouTube for sound. Once published on there you can embed a player for your audio in a blog or share easily as a link.
  • CloudConvert Audio files can come in a wide variety of formats; you may need this free web tool to convert sound files to ones Audacity can import (AIFF, WAV, or MP3 are best).
  • Freesound You will find sources of sound effects all over the place; our favorite is Freesound where all audio is open licensed, meaning you can use them without worry of copyright issues. You need to create an account to download audio files.
  • Incompetech Music Again, you can find many places online to find music. We strongly urge you to use sources where the music has been licensed to be reused; Composer Kevin McLeod shares a huge library of instrumental tracks that are useful for audio editing projects.

Planning Your Story

Start by creating an outline of the sounds you think would work to express your idea. Write it down! For some inspiration see the responses to this kind of assignment from DS106.

Keep track and list all sources of sound files that were download from the internet. Include in your response or blog post a screenshot of your Audacity editing file.

When done, export your story as an MP3 and upload it to SoundCloud; use the link from there to use as your web address in your response.

Demo Story

In this demo, my idea is to think of a life as a game. I want to use as a background sound either some computer generated game music or maybe the sounds of an arcade. The “game” starts with a coin drop or a button press, and progresses through a series of sounds representing different parts of life. All of these I will look to download from Freesound. Keep track of the sources of all sounds you download and use for your project.

The sound I will record will be the end, where I will breathe, than gasp, and leave silence. It will end with the restart sound from the old PacMan game when a player is “killed” by a ghost but returns for more play.

The sounds I found were mostly from Freesound; the “gasp” is my own recording. These are the sources:

Arcade Music Loop

Dropping Coins

Crying newborn baby child 3.WAV

Kids in classroom


Ambience – Busy office-call center.wav

Wedding Bells

Pac Man Sounds

All editing was done in Audacity, here is a screenshot of my editing interface:

Example for "Digital / Gamed Life Sound Effect Story":

Respond to This Make

After you respond to this make please share a link to it and a description so it can be added to the ones listed below. You can add it directly to this site.

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Guides for this Make

Have you created a helpful guide or do you know of one that might help others with this make? You can share a guide if it is available at a public URL.

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6 Responses for this Make

  • Frustration with Gaming Using Instruments
    by Tiffany (@tiffsanto))

    It took me awhile to really understand how to do this and I still don’t feel like I did a good job, but I gave it a try! Let’s see how it goes. My track is based on using calming instruments and transitioning to louder instruments as a representation of the range of frustration when more… »

  • p-i-z-z-a p-a-r-t-y
    by hailey (@stryii))

    i’m really hungry now ):   AUDIO USED: soda dialing clinking cheering doorbell conversation stomach growl laughing munching music ringing

  • Seasons Transition
    by Marissa Candiloro (@RissaCandiloro))

    As I thought about this assignment, I thought it would be fun to explore a natural transition– the transition of the seasons from one to the next. I chose sounds that I hoped would evoke the feelings that accompany certain times of the year. I’m very proud of how this turned out, because I struggled more… »

  • Seasons Transition
    by Marissa Candiloro (@RissaCandiloro))

    As I thought about this assignment, I thought it would be fun to explore a natural transition– the transition of the seasons from one to the next. I chose sounds that I hoped would evoke the feelings that accompany certain times of the year. I’m very proud of how this turned out, because I struggled more… »

  • Process of Emotions While Gaming
    by Vanessa (@nessacastrii))

    Woah, I cant believe I did it! It took me hours but what mostly helped me was the YouTube video showing the students a guide on how to do the audio. My audio is about the different emotions that one have while gaming. It starts off innocently, but it ends in mayhem and especially when more… »

  • Aggravation
    by Kelli (@helterskelliter))

    So, I wasn’t really sure what story I wanted to create using sound until I got lost in the incessant clacking sound of my keyboard. Then, I knew what I wanted to say: My message relates more to how annoying certain aspects of digital life and communication can be. It’s great–don’t get me wrong–but it can be more… »

0 Guides for this Make

Creative Commons License
This work by Alan Levine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  1.  Week 9.0: Seriously Yours, Games – #netnarr
  2.  Working with Audio??? – helterskelliter
  3.  Sounds Like an Exquisite PPU Story – NetNarr 2021
  4.  #tdc3821 #ds106 #myFest22 One Take Sound Story of Emergence With No Dialogue | The DS106 Daily Create

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