You must have some interest or hobby that is extremely fascinating to you.  How can you communicate that to others?

Why not the simple combination of an image that represents it with a short bit of text on top, e.g. a meme image.

First, you need an image. The best choice is your own photo. Find or take a photo of something that represents this interest.

Or try to find an image that represents it. Think before you open the a web search tool. What is something used in the subject or what people do in it that make it special to you? Do not just lift any photo you can find on the web, use an open licensed photo site such as Pixabay, UnsplashPexels  to find compelling photos that are openly licensed for you to reuse.

Save that photo to your device (along with the URL for where you found it). For my example I used my own photo I store in flickr 

There are many tools we can use to create meme images, for this Make, we suggest the imgflip Meme Generator or

Skip all the common used images and click the button for Upload Your Own Image.  Then use the editing tools to add the text atop your image, including “the most fascinating thing in the world“.  Try some of the editing tools to change the color, font-size, etc. Make it POP.

Editing the meme, open “more options” for other editing tools.

Now save the image and the URL on imgflip where anyone can see it. You’ve made a meme from your own photo (or one you chose).

Now let’s share it by responding to this Make. In your response, share the source of the image and why it best represents your special subject.

Example for "Most Fascinating Subject in the World Meme":

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After you respond to this make please share a link to it and a description so it can be added to the ones listed below. You can add it directly to this site.

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8 Responses for this Make

  • I'm Not Like Other Memes
    by helterskelliter (@helterskelliter))

    So…. For those who don’t know, I’m interested in both memes and community service. As such, I decided to unify both interests in one meme. The image I chose to use is actually in my university’s calendar and depicts me participating in a service project at a local community food bank. I’m wearing a decidedly lovely hairnet. more… »

  • Pounding Away~
    by helterskelliter (@helterskelliter))

    So, for those who don’t know, writing is not my only art. I also do metalworks and jewelry-making. It is a very rewarding form of art but it can take a lot of effort and patience. Nothing happens quickly. Anyway, I decided to meme what sometimes feels like a meme–especially after a few hours when the more… »

  • BTS and KPOP
    by Vanessa Castrillon (@nessacastrii))

    I super love KPOP, which is Korean Pop Music. BTS are one of the most popular boy group out of a million of them in Korea. I am not only obsessed with them but with so many others but they will always take the crown when it comes to entertainment and music for me.

  • Acting For Two
    by Justin (@Justinsightfuls))

    Seriously, it’s absolutely crazy to think how much effort they put into have the same voice actor for two completely different characters! His vocal range is insane.

  • Fun Fun Fun
    by Tiffany Santos (@tiffsanto))

    Who said only Digital Art is fun?

  • Push Wars
    by BlaqueBeauty (@BlaqueBeauty_30))

    I love to workout and eat healthy but pushups are the hardest thing to do for me.

  • I'm on a wunderkammer kick today #noapologies
    by Katherine Marzinsky (@KMarzinsky))

    I have a longstanding fascination with wunderkammers (cabinets of curiosity), so I decided to lampoon them in my “most fascinating subject” meme.

  • Memes: The Most Fascinating Subject
    by Rissa Candiloro (@rissacandiloro))

    yo dawg, I hear you like memes, so here’s a meme about memes, so you can meme while you talk about memes

0 Guides for this Make

Creative Commons License
This work by Alan Levine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  1.  Week 4.0: One Does Not Simply Make NetNarr Memes – #netnarr
  2.  What Does It All Meme???? – helterskelliter
  3.  A Little Meme Light: #NetNarr Week 7 – #netnarr
  4.  Silly Media in Narrative Space – NetNarr 2020: Net Mirror

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